The Agenda
The Agenda
A list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon, etc. The chairman says we have a lengthy agenda this afternoon. The usage of agenda, meaning "things to be done," is the plural of the Latin gerund agendum and is used today in the sense of "a plan or list of matters to be acted upon." As we studied the facts, it became obvious that the powers that be did not care about them. They have the same information we have, if not better. After going from fact to fact and seeing they all have been changed here and there to benefit a certain group of people, we shook our heads. It wasn't what you may think. It wasn't white people against black or rich against the poor. It was the oldest battle known to man: good against evil. The agenda is to position the darkness while the good men and women of God sleep. Well, this will wake you up. Some of it will be difficult to watch, but you must. The truth will set you free.